Rising Star

Though in the gutter I was born

I will fight now that I am grown

I will cast away all feebleness and frown

Like a comet;

I will shine on my own

Though adversities rampage against me

I am not alone

Suppress me they might

I will never drown

My Lord will rise me

To take the throne

Indeed time will hand me my crown

Ways of knowing you and your partner are in an “exclusive” relationship…

A “relationship” is any union that connects more than one person. From the moment you meet & connect with someone, you now have a “relationship”. The titles of some relationships need to be communicated, while others don’t. In order for there to be a clear understanding of a romantic relationship, both parties should at some point communicates and define exactly what it is. Whenever someone earns a new position in your life, they should be given a title. When parents give birth to a boy, they call him “son”. When a couple gets married, they call one another husband and wife. These titles help identify their roles in each other’s lives.  

Anytime you allow a man to earn a significant place in your life, he should be given a title that publicly identifies his position. The key piece to this puzzle is earning the position/title, as opposed to being

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You penned down a tale

On the lingering patterns of time

A creation that will never stale

Unfolding a legacy sublime


You heralded for us a poetry realm

Which was to creation; unknown

And is even to this day in your absence at our helm

Empowering our subconscious all malice to dethrone


You sowed life

Through unbroken lines of protest and comedy

For our hearts where cyclones of strife

To our nation your work was indeed a remedy


You are gone and it’s difficult to turn a new page

But your work shall remain a hypodermic syringe









Patience is a skill

One that doesn’t kill

Which conceives perfection

And in time satisfaction

Many without it till

But all is vanity still

For success through hard work they peel

But without it they never set a meal

Go ahead acquire this skill

And discover how patience is such a thrill


Planting hope

On a barren slope

A plant that copes

For a generation that lost hope

Who under the vice grip of tyranny; choke

To consume this life rendering crop

Thus a youth with optimism grow up

For elevation they no-longer grope

In freedom they go to shop

No-more chop-chop

This is a new seed of hope

I plant on a barren slope